
About Me


My 30 » 60 » 90 Plan
As the Burst Customer Success Director

About Me

Personal Life

My Career

My Approach To Everyday

Personal Life

Husband and father of 3 kids.

Active in team sports (qualified coach and player)

My Career

1999-2001 Vodafone
SMS Design Engineer // Senior Design Engineer Launched Prepaid SMS & Interconnect SMS, Capacity Monitoring & Expansions, SMS Service Design.
Developed detailed understanding of SMS (Bits and bytes to Network Architecture)

2001-2008 3UK/Ericsson Managed Services
VAS Service Delivery Specialist // VAS Principle Architect Launched 3UK network, Responsible for installation and support for SMS, Email, Voicemail, Videomail. Lead Architect across VAS network and Service Design (IC).
Developed hands on operational skills OS/HW/SW (scripts / conding), won annual Ericsson Innovation award.

My Career

2008-2014 Soprano Design
Head of Product and Marketing Team // Client Solutions Director US, Asia & European expansion, Acquisitions, Recognition (Including Telstra Business Awards for innovation)

2014-2019 Jasper/Cisco Jasper
Technical Accout Manager // Director of Customer Success, APJCI Developed Operators Guardian Angel program (IoT Onboarding). Rapid Expansion from 3 to 17 SP's in ASEAN. Lead Regional GTM activities. Built global Partner Success tools & programs. Managed team of Specialise CS / TAM's

2019-2020 CSXCESS

Customer Success Independent Contractor and Startup Advisor.

My Skills

Operations Technical Product & Marketing Business & Commercial Other
Customer Technical Support

Sales Operations (Revenue Forecasting & Compensation Modeling)

Infrasturcture Management
SMS, MMS (Network & Protocol) Domain Expertise

Mobile Network Architectures & Technology

Tinker: Perl, PHP, Python, NodeJS, VUE.js

Enterprise Collaboration and IoT Solution Architecture

Product Management (SaaS)

Product Marketing (SaaS)

Marketing Communications

GTM Specialist & Channel Enablement

Customer Success & Monetization Manager

Regional Account, Partner and Channel Management

Account Management (Enterprise)

Bid / Tender Management (Enterprise Sales)

Solution & Consultative Selling

Admin Devops: Jira, Confluence

Admin CRM (Salesforce, Netsuite)
Dev: Tableau

Currently studying Certified Information Systems Security Professional (ISC)2 certification modules

My Approach To Everyday

Understand people and what makes them tick. Personnalise engagement by understanding cultural, emotional, technical and commercial/financial needs.

Use data to drive outcomes

I automate (script) myself where possible

Always be transparent, inclusive and execute with integrity

Go to bed happy

My Approach To Customer Success

A Customer Success sits at the heart of the business as a means to protect and grow a business.
  • Protect revenue, focus on renewals to ensuring current revenue streams are maintained
  • Understand customers and what they value. Understand where the product(s) sits in their "value stack"
  • Identify upsell opportunities expanding coverage in the customers "value stack"
  • Grow by understanding where the opportunities exist to restructure commericals for long term mutual benefits.
  • Follow standard CS models/stages, driving confidence and competence in each stage for long term value:
    • Land / Order
    • Onboarding / Establish Foundations
    • Utilise / Adopt
    • Renew / Retain
    • Expand / Upsell

30 » 60 » 90

Discovery » Measure & Build » Implement & Monitor

My Plan for Success For
Burst SMSConversrSendSeiSequencer


The First 30 Days

  1. The Team
  2. Customer & Partners
  3. 5P's @ Burst


The Team

Build familiarity with the team and understand what motivates and drives them to delight customers every day. Have one-on-one conversations with the team to talk about the following:
  • Product (Highlights & Lowlights)
  • Processes (Working and/or Broken)
  • Customers & Partners Engagements
  • How they came to be at Burst
Discover » The Team » Plan
Activity30+ One-on-One Meetings (Continue for other team members in 31-60 day phase)
OutputMap out people and their roles in the customer lifecycle
OutputUnderstand what is working and not working, subjective view of the customer, product and processes

Customers & Partners

Build a view of Customers, Customer Lifecycle, Buyer Journey and Personas and Customer Value Stack. Explore:
  • Promoters Verse Detractors / Customer Health Score
  • Segmentation and Revenue Distribution (Marketing / Sales / Finance)
  • Seek first-hand view of Burst, Product People & Processes
  • Customer Engagement Processes (Lead-To-Order, Order-To-Cash, etc)
Discover » Customers & Partners » Plan
ActivityDevelop Voice of the Customer Interview template, 10+ Voice of the Customer Interviews
ActivitySales, Pipeline & Forecast Review (6+6 Months)
ActivityFinance, Profitability & Forecast Review (FY20 / FY21)
ActivitySupport Review (Last 6 Months) from FreshDesk(?) & App Performance New Relic(?)
ActivityChatBot Conversation Review (Last 6 Months) from FreshChat
ActivityOnline Comments Review (Trustpilot // Other etc)
ActivityIdentify and Map Data Sources (Reports Leads / Growth / Churn / Utilisation)
OutputMap out high level CSM Targets & Objectives
OutputReport Identifying Strengths / Weaknesses, recommendations

The 5P's

Proficient and understand the following (including Strengths / Weaknesses / Opportunities / Threats):
  • Product (Features / Functions / Training)
  • Price & Commercials (Profitability / Reoccuring Rev.)
  • Promotion (New & Upsell)
  • Parameters (Data Sources / Business Modelling)
  • People (Sales Engagement / Onboarding / CSM / Technical Support)
Discover » Five P's' » Plan
ActivityDo All Product Training
ActivityUse and understand the Product / API's / Integrations
ActivityKnow the Pricing and Commercial model for the Products
ActivityCalls with key Partners and Resellers
ActivityKnow what data is available on Customers & Utilisation
ActivityUnderstand the Business Plans (Roadmap and Strategy)

Discovery Phase :: Success Factors

  • Demonstrate the products and articulate their value, technically and commercially
  • Understand the organisation, its processes and people
  • Understand the customer journey
  • Understand and access the data sources and existing tools being used
  • Understand Strengths / Weaknesses / Opportunities / Threats across products
  • Confirm and baseline the 31-60 day phase of the plan
Measure & Build

Measure & Build

31 to 60 Days

  1. Churn Verse Renewals
  2. Feature & Function Utilisation
  3. Customer Success Process Map (Lightweight SIPOC)

Churn Verse Renewals

As a priority, understand the renewal process, associated data, define terms and map churn verse renewals. Build scalable processes around increasing renewal metrics.
  • For the past 12 months understand all the significant customers that have churned and who has renewed
  • Understand why & when (in their lifecycle) the Churn (loss) took place and determine was it of could it have been anticipated
  • Understand why & when (in their lifecycle) the Renewal (win) took place
Measure & Build » Churn Verse Renewal » Plan
ActivityCrunch data to generate a prediction model for upcoming decisions, renew/churn - "Early Warning System"
ActivityUnderstand market fit (pricing) based on renewal / re-negotiation data
ActivityDefine standard metrics, Customer Retention Cost (CRC) - compared with acquisition cost (CAC).
Activity10+ Customer Interviews (5+ Churn / 5+ Renew or significant orders)
OutputBuild CS / Account Plans, prioritised on customers making decisions to renew
OutputBuild dashboards for "Early Warning Systems"

Feature & Function Utilisation

Identification core value provided by the product(s), include differentiation and market fit. Understanding value to drive adoption as well as renewal and upsell conversations.
  • Features and Functions
  • Commercial Model, Transactional Verse Subscriptions (ARR)
  • Value Identification
  • Competitive Feedback
  • Roadmap (Feedback loop with Products)
Measure & Build » Feature & Function Utilisation » Plan
ActivityDefine hypothesis of differential value and test with product teams & customers
ActivityWrite a business plan if additional resources are required to drive outcomes (tools / resources)
OutputCommunicate findings on the present state to future state (Customer Health Score / Business Goals & KPI's / Other Metrics)

Customer Success Process Map (Lightweight SIPOC)

Map key Customer Success Processes with other teams using basic SIPOC methodology
  • Lead To Order
  • Order to Cash (Including fulfilment)
  • Cash to Renew (Retention)
  • Renew to Expand (Upsell)
  • Segmentation & Assignment
Measure & Build » Customer Success Process Map » Plan
ActivityEstablish QBR / Customer Health Review process
ActivityMap Customer Success processes (including inputs of data and people interactions)
OutputCommunicate Customer Success process maps

Measure & Build Phase :: Success Factors

  • Understanding of data around renewals verse churn
  • Deep understanding of how the products are being used
  • Lightweight processmaps build to establish scalable workflows
  • Confirm and baseline the 31-60 day phase of the plan
Implement & Monitor

Implement & Monitor

61 to 90 Days

  1. Secure Revenue
  2. Drive Feature Adoption
  3. Enhance Tools

Secure Revenue

Using "Early Warning System" to prioritise and secure existing profitable revenue. Focus includes:
  • Assess and plan for handling of non profitable customers
  • Identify and secure at risk customers
  • Identify and secure loyal customers
  • Identify and secure active / high value customers
  • Secure inactive customers with significant balance/credits and potential to grow
  • Actively segment and secure "80%" Revenue Provided (Pareto 80/20) based on top 20% of customers
Implement & Monitor » Secure Revenue » Plan
ActivityDevelop execute on CS / Account Plans
ActivityContinue to develop dashboards that drive meaningful outcomes
ActivityEstablish "Internal Customer Success Forum" available to all staff to improve EWS
ActivityExecute communications campaign, secure customer based on prioritisation and segmentation

Drive Feature Adoption

Select key features or products identified as valueable and drive their adoption to ensure long term value to customers mid contract.
  • Lists
  • Opt Out Forms
  • Auto Responses
  • etc
Implement and Monitor » Drive Feature Adoption » Plan
ActivityIdentify customers to target (Early Stage and Mature for A-B testing)
ActivityEstablish a process to drive adoption of 1 high value features per month
OutputDashboard / Reporting for monitoring feature adoption

Enhance Tools

Improve the tools available to drive and automate a personalised Customer Success program using known data sources.
  • Keap / Infusionsoft Updates
  • FreshDesk / FreshChat
  • CRM (??)
  • New Relic
  • Dashboards
Implement & Monitor » Enhance Tools » Plan
ActivityEstablish feed of data for all key metrics identified
OutputDashboards for all key metrics (automated where possible)

Implement & Monitor Phase :: Success Factors

  • Hypothesis established and testing comence to securing revenue
  • Establish processes to drive feature adoption
  • Instrumentation of critical business metrics driving CS outcomes where it did not previously exist.
  • Establish processes select and interview customers for Voice of the Customer reviews
  • Completed One-On-Ones with the Burst team

Summary of The Plan

First 30 Days
31 to 60 Days
Measure & Build
61 to 90 Days
Implement & Monitor
Team Churn Verse Renewals Secure Revenue
Customers Feature & Function Utilisation Drive Feature Adoption
5 P's Customer Success Process Map Enhance Tools

Thank You